
Ninth Meeting: Standing Group of Experts on African Swine Fever


Regional GF-TADs: Ninth Meeting of the Standing Group of Experts on African Swine Fever for Asia and the Pacific



African swine fever (ASF) is a highly fatal hemorrhagic disease that affects domestic and wild pigs of all ages. ASF has caused immense economic losses, disrupted the pork supply chain, and threatened food security in many countries in the region. Since the first ASF outbreak in China in August 2018, a total of 19 countries have reported ASF (as of March 2024). Now, the region is managing ASF as an endemic disease in the region and trying to minimize the impacts of ASF on livelihoods and food security.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) strengthen regional collaboration to tackle ASF. A Standing Group of Experts on ASF (SGE-ASF) for Asia and the Pacific was founded in April 2019 under the Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF-TADs) umbrella to promote the regular exchange of information and best practices.

To continue further strengthen collaboration and exchange lessons learned on the best utilization of communication/awareness for ASF control, FAO and WOAH will jointly organise the ninth SGE-ASF meeting focusing on “ASF communication” in Manila, Philippines on 27-29 June 2024 with the financial support of the People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Republic of Korea’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.


  • Review and follow up on the key actions to implement recommendations of previous ASF meetings at regional and global levels.
  • Discuss updates on the latest global and regional ASF situations focusing on risk communication strategies
  • Share best practices on risk communication and community engagement, and successful strategies for ASF prevention, management and control.


Participation: By invitation
Dates: 25-27 June 2024
Location: Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

The Philippines Bureau of Animal Industry introduced one of their mascots for ASF awareness, "Mr. V", as part of campaigns aimed at domestic stakeholders. ©FAO/Jim Caro

Welcome remarks from the host country representative, Dr Constante Palabrica, Philippines Department of Agriculture. ©FAO/Jim Caro

Opening remarks from Dr Gregorio Torres, WOAH Headquarters. ©FAO/Jim Caro

Opening remarks from Dr Lionel Dabbadie, FAO Representative in the Philippines. ©FAO/Jim Caro

Dr Janice Garcia, Philippines Bureau of Animal Industry, with welcoming remarks. ©FAO/Jim Caro

Displayed materials for ASF awareness campaigns in the region. ©FAO/Jim Caro

Dr Sarah Dang Abdullah, Department of Veterinary Services, Malaysia, presents her country's activities and work in communicating about ASF domestically. ©FAO/Jim Caro

Dr Arisara Choochern, Department of Livestock and Development, Thailand, presents her country's activities and work in communicating about ASF. ©FAO/Jim Caro

Representing Lao P.D.R., Dr Kethsana Inthavong of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry presents ASF awareness spreading activity and measures in his country. ©FAO/Jim Caro

Dr Harunur Rashid, SAARC Agriculture Centre, presents the sub-region's activities and work in communicating about ASF. ©FAO/Jim Caro

Dr Katherukamem Rajukumar, ICAR, India, presents country activities and work in communicating about ASF. ©FAO/Jim Caro

Dr Hong Keumyong, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Korea (R.O.), presents country activities and work in communicating about ASF domestically. ©FAO/Jim Caro

Dr Sean Sum, National Parks Board, Singapore, speaks about country activities and work in mitigating ASF spread domestically. ©FAO/Jim Caro

Dr Shengqiang Ge, China Animal Health and Epidemiology Center (CAHEC), China (P.R.) presents activities and work in communicating about ASF in-country. ©FAO/Jim Caro

Dr Wenyajing Zhang, WHO, presenting on risk communication. ©FAO/Jim Caro

Dr Nancy Wong, WHO, presents behavioural change communication concepts. ©FAO/Jim Caro

The Philippines Bureau of Animal Industry introduced one of their mascots for ASF awareness, "Super Pig", as part of campaigns aimed at domestic stakeholders. ©FAO/Jim Caro

The gathering viewing an ASF awareness communication video. ©FAO/Jim Caro

Final group photo on the last day of the meeting. ©FAO/Jim Caro

More information


Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF-TADs)

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African swine fever (ASF) regional activities

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Situation Updates: ASF

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