The Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF-TADs) is a joint FAO/WOAH initiative that combines the strengths of both organisations launched in 2004. The coordinating mechanism aims to bring collective action in the region to support the control and eradication of Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs) and has yielded several important institutional and operational gains.
Dr Kachen Wongsathapornchai, Coordinator at the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, presents updates relevant to the GFTADs group in the region at the 11th GFTADs RSC Meeting in June and July 2020.
The Regional Steering Committee (RSC) Meeting of GF-TADs for Asia and the Pacific has been held 10 times since 2005. The meetings are used to share information, strengthen partnerships, discuss topical issues and explore ways to collaborate to improve regional activities in the prevention and control of priority TADs.
The FAO and WOAH organised the 11th RSC Meeting of GF-TADs in 2 parts, with the 1st part held on 16th June 2020 to discuss important updates on TADs from the subregions as well as the governance and next regional strategy for GFTADs in Asia and the Pacific and evaluate and reflect on regional coordination. The 2nd part of the meeting was held on 21st July to update and discuss the Regional Strategy, summarize recommendations and develop the 2-year work plan.
Due to the ongoing travel restrictions related to COVID-19, it was decided to hold the 11th RSC Meeting of GF-TADs for Asia and the Pacific Region via video conference.
The RSC agreed and developed a two-year work plan with clear achievable goals for 2020-2022, which has been updated periodically depending on needs and opportunities in the region, with communication and collaboration between members of the regional steering committee.
Recording (also viewable below)
1. GF-TADs for Asia and the Pacific Regional Strategy
2. GF-TADs update on priority diseases for the region
3. Updates from sub-regions
11th Regional Steering Committee Meeting of the GF-TADs, 16 June 2020 (Part 1)