PVS Pathway Orientation Workshop for South-East Asia


The delivery of sub-regional PVS Pathway Orientation training is a key initial step to strengthen OIE Members’ understanding of, and engagement with, the PVS Pathway. It also supports the development of a sub-regional approach to the PVS Pathway.

The PVS Pathway Orientation was attended by 32 national veterinary staff from 9 countries of South East Asia, i.e. Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. 3 regional experts and 6 representatives from partners (FAO, WHO, NACA, Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security and Australian Department of Agriculture) also attended.

As part of the objectives of the workshop, each participating country developed a 12-18-month PVS/project engagement plan.

One of the side objectives of the workshop, clearly pointed out to the participants, was also to identify some exceptionally engaging and promising professionals, who could be considered for participation in PVS missions as observers, in order to eventually become PVS Experts in the near future.

This workshop was also the opportunity to present and pilot the Business Advocacy Tool, to promote sustainable funding for Veterinary Services as part of National Health Security budget.

Meeting documents download here:


PDF - 217.78KB

List of Participants
List of Participants

PDF - 207.17KB

1 Objectives & Expectations_JWeaver
1 Objectives & Expectations_JWeaver

PDF - 286.98KB

2 General Presentation for PVS Training_RAbila
2 General Presentation for PVS Training_RAbila

PDF - 3.27MB

3 Overview of the PVS Pathway_JStratton
3 Overview of the PVS Pathway_JStratton

PDF - 2.05MB

4 OIE PVS Tool - quick overview of the 45 Critical Competencies_JWeaver
4 OIE PVS Tool - quick overview of the 45 Critical Competencies_JWeaver

PDF - 1.99MB

5a Introduction to CCs, including basic structure and logic_JWeaver
5a Introduction to CCs, including basic structure and logic_JWeaver

PDF - 6.73MB

5b Review and questions on CCs of interest_JWeaver
5b Review and questions on CCs of interest_JWeaver

PDF - 8.42MB

6a Managing an OIE PVS Evaluation Part 1_LWeber-Vintzel
6a Managing an OIE PVS Evaluation Part 1_LWeber-Vintzel

PDF - 703.33KB

6b Managing an OIE PVS Evaluation Part 2_LWeber-Vintzel
6b Managing an OIE PVS Evaluation Part 2_LWeber-Vintzel

PDF - 1.77MB

7 DFAT-OIE One Health Project_RAbila
7 DFAT-OIE One Health Project_RAbila

PDF - 583.25KB

8 Regional specificities_LWeber-Vintzel
8 Regional specificities_LWeber-Vintzel

PDF - 1.25MB

9 PVS Pathway Evolution_SC&JS
9 PVS Pathway Evolution_SC&JS

PDF - 2.90MB


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