Veterinary paraprofessionals (VPPs) play an important role in Bhutan, supporting the effective delivery of national Veterinary Services (VS). A workshop was conducted from 13 to 14 October 2022, to introduce WOAH’s guidelines on VPP competency and curriculum, and draft a way forward to develop a curriculum that aligns that of the VPP training institute in Bhutan with the expected competency and skills of WOAH’s VPP Competency Guidelines.
The opening of the training workshop was graced by Mr Thinley Namgyel, Secretary of Bhutan’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forests and Director of the Department of Livestock. The workshop was attended by targeted groups representing mainly the Department of Livestock and the Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority, who are the main employers of VPPs. Attending were representatives from the College of Natural Resources (the VPP training institute), the Royal Civil Service Commission of Bhutan (RCSC – the Government civil servant employer), the Veterinary Association of Bhutan, and the Drug Regulatory Authority of Bhutan. Also participating were veterinarians, VPPs, and staff of the veterinary laboratory of Bhutan. In total, 26 local participants attended the workshop.
The workshop was conducted with support from Dr Gert-Jan Duives, VPP expert from the Netherlands, Dr Christophe Chartier, VPP education expert from France, Dr Miftahul Barbaruah, VPP expert from India, and Dr David Sherman from the Capacity-Building Department, WOAH Headquarters.
presentations by experts and WOAH staff on the organisation’s initiatives and tools towards aligning the curricula of the VPP training to the competency and skills expected from VPP graduates for their workplaces.
Presentation at the training workshop on VPP competencies and curriculum guidlines for Bhutan, 13-14 October 2022.
The training workshop covered themes on:
Activities included presentations by experts and WOAH staff on the organisation’s initiatives and tools towards aligning the curricula of the VPP training to the competency and skills expected from VPP graduates for their workplaces. In summary, these were:
The country team, including a team from the VPP training institute, came up with a set of proposals for the way forward at the end of the workshop. These were presented at the closing session attended by Mr Sonam Wangchuk, President of the College of Natural Resources.
The workshop was preceded by another workshop also in Bhutan, organised by WOAH and relevant national ministries on national workforce development (from 10-12 October 2022).