Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Symposium: Data collection system on veterinary medicine at the farm level


Data collection system on veterinary medicine at farm level, with the aim of developing a “digital prescription system”

As part of efforts to confront the growing problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH, founded as OIE) is committed to collecting data on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals, or AMU. WOAH also manages a global AMU database (ANIMUSE) and publishes annual AMU reports.

WOAH Members including Japan are also increasingly contributing to the organisation’s global AMU data collection, with a vast majority of the dataset based on antimicrobial production, importation, and/or sales data submitted by market license holders. The University of Tokyo Laboratory of OSG Veterinary Science for Global Disease Management, funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (MAFF) via the Japan Racing Association (JRA), has been implementing a project to establish an e-prescription system for veterinary medicine, including antimicrobials. This project is ultimately expected to contribute to reinforcing the national AMU data collection system.

In this context, the University of Tokyo and WOAH jointly organised a hybrid symposium,  “Data collection system on veterinary medicine at farm-level – with the aim of developing digital prescription system” at Koshiba Hall, Hongo Campus of the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan and via Zoom, on 17th October 2023. The symposium provided ongoing examples of initiatives on veterinary e-prescription systems in Italy and Japan, and shared experiences among the stakeholders.


  • The objective was to share experience among Members in the development of an e-prescription system for veterinary medicine, including antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals.
  • This activity contributed to all five strategic objectives/cross-cutting areas of WOAH’s 7th Strategic plan (2021 – 2025), but was specifically geared towards attaining Strategic objective 2, i.e. Data governance.


Date and time: 17 October 2023, Tuesday, 13:00 Japan time

Location: Koshiba Hall, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan and on Zoom (Hybrid)

Flyer: Link

Note: Japanese-English simultaneous translation was provided. No certificates of participation were issued for this event.



More information

WOAH AMU reporting potal


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Antimicrobial resistance

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Event partner

Laboratory of OSG Veterinary Science for Global Disease Management

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Event page in Japanese

OSG Sympodium at Tokyo University

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EU-Tripartite Project

Antimicrobial Resistance

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