African swine fever (ASF) laboratory diagnostic capacity development is one of the priorities identified by the Standing Group of Experts on ASF for Asia Pacific (SGE-ASF Asia Pacific). Although much work has been done across the South-East Asia to build capacity over the past years, there is still a need to further enhance the laboratory and the field diagnostic capacity, harmonise laboratory diagnostic techniques, facilitate the sharing of information and coordinate laboratory activities amongst national laboratories, Reference Laboratories and laboratory experts to strengthen ASF control.
The third ASF coordination meeting was jointly organised by the OIE Sub-Regional Representation for South-East Asia (OIE SRR SEA) and FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP) under GF-TADs’ umbrella. The meeting was attended by 13 countries including 10 ASEAN countries, plus PR China, Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea, Experts from the Regional ASF Reference Laboratories (Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness and China Animal Health and Epidemiology Center), donors (Australia, China and DTRA).
The objectives of the meeting were:
Registration of participants
Available laboratory and field diagnostic tools for ASF diagnosis – David Williams, ACDP
Detection of novel ASF variant – Xiaodong Wu, CAHEC
Update on the ASF Laboratory network (Global and regional) – Caitlin Holley, OIE RR AP
ASF Laboratory Twinning Project – Edna Felipe, BAI, Philippines
Brief update on ASF laboratory activities and diagnostic tests used by members (based on questionnaire survey) – Karma Rinzin, OIE SRR-SEA