One Health and Education

One Health in Basic Education in South-East Asia


Mapping Extent of Curricular Integration of One Health Related Concepts in Basic in Education in Southeast Asia

23 Jun 2023 (Thailand)  Zoonoses such as avian influenza clearly demonstrate the interdependence of human health, animal health and ecosystem health. The One Health approach is therefore the appropriate response to anticipate, prevent, detect and control diseases that spread between animals and humans.

Promotion of the One Health concept should not only be limited to human health, animal health and environmental health professionals. Understanding of the interdependence of these three will facilitate development of primitive and preventative behaviour of everyone. Children usually associate closely with animals, thus there’s a need for preventive education against zoonoses. In addition, the school plays a key role in the development of positive attitude and behaviours that can help them in making decisions later in life. In addition, students can bring these concepts to home and to the greater community.

The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Tropical Medicine and Public Health (SEAMEO TROPMED) Network in collaboration with CHEVRON and SEAOHUN has implemented a pilot project “Promoting One Health Education in the School Setting” in a border school in Thailand. The major components of the project are:

  • Development of four “One Health Modules” for Kinder 2- Grade 9 students)
  • Curricular integration of One Health related concepts
  • Training of Teachers on One Health and Use of the Modules
  • Health Assessment of Students
  • Community Engagement activities

A Regional Workshop was organised by SEAMEO TROMED (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education, Tropical Medicine and Public Health) and SEAHUN (Southeast Asia One Health University) in Bangkok on June 22 and 23. It aimed to facilitate the upscaling of the One Health Curricular Mainstreaming in the region. On this occasion, WOAH was invited to present the One Health activities in Southeast Asia.


  1. Identify the One Health related concepts included in basic education curriculum
    in Southeast Asia
  2. Define the priority “One Health” related concepts that can be integrated in the
  3. Define the possible entry points in the curricular integration of the concepts
  4. Discuss the different learning methodologies utilised/ can be utilised for
  5. Identify training needs of classroom teachers for curricular integration of “One
  6. Identify the facilitating factors for integration e.g. policies related to One Health
    and other related health issues
  7. Discuss possible barriers for implementation
  8. Recommend measures to overcome these barriers




WOAH Presentation