Animal Welfare

International Effort to Reduce, Replace and Refine Animal Use in Research and Testing

Animal studies have laid the foundation for understanding the complexities of the human being and remain essential for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of biological products. However, these experiments can have a significant impact on animal welfare, leading to a recent shift in focus towards improving the well-being of laboratory animals.


Many countries, including those in Europe, the United States, Japan, Republic of Korea, and other regions, are launching national projects that aim to reduce animal testing while still advancing our understanding of health and disease. These projects align with the principles of the 3Rs (Replace, Reduce, Refine) and are integrated with global regulations to promote the wider adoption of new alternatives to animal testing.

The 3R Initiative for Alternatives to Animal Testing in Chinese Taipei

In response to the growing global emphasis on the 3Rs for alternatives to animal testing, the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) established the ‘Taiwan Interministerial Platform for Alternative Technology of Animal Testing (TIP-ATAT)’ and launched the ‘Taiwan 3R Initiative’ in October 2021. This collaborative effort involves seven government agencies: the National Science and Technology Council, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Academia Sinica. The initiative focuses on all aspects of laboratory animal use in Chinese Taipei, encompassing testing for cosmetics, chemicals, animal vaccines, and pharmaceuticals, as well as regulatory, educational, and research purposes.

The initiative aims to achieve four key objectives through interministerial cooperation:

  1. Facilitate the adoption of new alternative test strategies for regulatory purposes.
  2. Accelerate the integration of innovative alternative technologies for biomedical research.
  3. Develop the skills of scientists in both high-quality animal testing and the transition to non-animal methods.
  4. Showcase Chinese Taipei’s efforts in promoting animal welfare to the international community.

The initiative promotes the integration of the 3Rs (Replace, Reduce, Refine) principles

into regulatory frameworks, educational curricula, and innovative research.

Aligning with WOAH Animal Welfare Standards and International Guidelines

The initiative promotes the integration of the 3Rs principles into regulatory frameworks, educational curricula, and innovative research. To date, it has successfully adopted over 100 new alternative methods aligned with OECD and other international guidelines. Six universities have established dedicated educational bases to promote alternative technologies and cultivate talent with this expertise. This 3R Initiative acts as a catalyst, fostering the development of new technologies that enhance animal welfare, promote scientific excellence, and contribute to a robust ecosystem for preclinical research.

Chinese Taipei possesses significant strengths in biomedical research and the industry, which are pivotal for advancing alternative technologies in animal testing. This 3R Initiative is committed to proactively participate in international cooperation on alternative technologies and to echo the global value of animal welfare.

WOAH believes these efforts will be recognised by the scientific community around the world.

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