In 2023, a book was published by CAB International (CABI), “One Health for Dog-mediated Rabies Elimination in Asia,” which presents insights on rabies control efforts and experiences in the region and beyond.
Recently, a milestone was reached as over 1,000 copies of the book were downloaded via the CABI Digital Library.
We highlight this publication which shares valuable information supporting the effort to combat dog-mediated rabies and achieve zero human deaths by 2030.
The chapter, “FAO, WOAH and WHO Working Together in the Asia Pacific Region to Eliminate Dog-mediated Human Rabies by 2030” was authored by experts from the regional “Tripartite” for Asia and the Pacific group of organisations (FAO, WHO and WOAH) to address rabies by advocating for policy changes, building capacity in diagnosis and control, enhancing multisectoral collaboration, and rapidly responding to the needs of countries.
building capacity in diagnosis and control, enhancing multisectoral collaboration, and rapidly responding to the needs of countries.
In the publisher’s words, the book:
You may access and read the book at the CABI Digital Library.