The GLLP (Global Laboratory Leadership Programme) is the product of a unique global collaboration by FAO, WHO, WOAH, ECDC, CDC and APHL. The GLLP aims at mentoring and fostering laboratory leaders from human, animal and environmental health sectors to strengthen their national laboratory systems.
This series of advocacy webinars is organized to introduce the GLLP to Member States and partners in the WHO South-East Asia and the WHO Western Pacific Regions. During the third and final webinar of the series, GLLP mentees, mentors and the South-East Asia GLLP Focal Point explained how developing GLLP projects, creating a reciprocal and sustainable mentor/ mentee relationship and a Community of Practice can contribute to implement the GLLP is a sustainable manner. Additionally, how the inclusion of the academic sector can contribute to the sustainability of the programme was discussed. Finally, implementing the GLLP may entail costs; an overview of the possible implementation costs was presented.