WOAH’s Global Programme for Capacity Building supports WOAH Delegates and National Focal Points towards providing good governance for improving animal health at the national level while explaining and clarifying their roles and responsibilities within WOAH.
National Focal Points (NFP) for Veterinary Laboratories serve as WOAH’s main contact points for laboratory related matters in Members.
Details on NFP responsibilities: Terms of Reference
WOAH RRAP, SRR-SEA and HQ organised the Regional Seminar for Focal Points for Veterinary Laboratories from 16-18 July, 2024, in Tokyo, Japan. It was supported by the Australian, Chinese and Japanese Governments and organised in collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The event was joined by NFPs or their representatives from 28 Members, resource persons from different sub-regions, JICA staff and trainees, representatives from the government of Japan, and WOAH staff and interns.
In addition, on the 3rd day of the seminar, representatives from WOAH Reference Centres in the Asia and Pacific region were invited to join in person or via Zoom. On the following day, the 4th Regional Meeting of Reference Centres in Asia and the Pacific was organised in a hybrid format.
Seminar objectives: