Transboundary animal diseases

Lumpy skin disease (LSD) coordination meeting for South East Asia


Following the first report of lumpy skin disease (LSD) in Asia in 2019 in Bangladesh, China and India, the disease continued its spread affecting Vietnam in October 2020, Myanmar in November 2020, Thailand in April 2021. Suspected outbreaks in Cambodia, Laos and Malaysia are yet to be officially reported to OIE-WAHIS. With increasing risks of LSD spread in South-East Asia region, the need for rapid detection and implementation of appropriate response and control measures are critical to control the disease and to minimize impact.

To have timely sharing of information and good coordinated approach among the countries in South-East Asia region and thus to more effectively prevent and control LSD in the region, the OIE Sub-Regional Representation for South-East Asia organised an “LSD Coordination Meeting for South-East Asia” on 11 June 2021.

The objectives of the meeting were to:

  1. Provide updates on the LSD situation in South-East Asia region;
  2. Provide an update on the preparedness of the countries at risk of LSD incursion;
  3. Provide a platform for Members to discuss various issues related to LSD prevention and control;
  4. Provide a platform for technical discussions on LSD prevention and control measures for their practical implementation in the field;
  5. Share tools and resources made available by FAO and the OIE for LSD prevention and control.



Part I – Updates on the LSD situation and preparedness

Part II – Technical session on LSD prevention and control

Part III – Tools and resources to prevention and control of LSD


List of Participants


Useful links: