FAMIC Virtual Training on Pesticides in Feed


With the growing demand for foods of animal origin globally, especially in developing countries in Asia-Pacific, the demand for feed, both for terrestrial and aquatic animals, continues to increase which leads to increasing international distribution of feed. Ensuring animal feed safety is crucial because it has a direct impact on animal health and welfare and also on food safety and human health. Veterinary Services play important roles in feed safety by setting standards on possible hazards on feed safety based on proper risk assessment, inspection of manufactures and their products, and providing appropriate guidance to farmers. WOAH has expanded its role to encompass animal production food safety in collaboration with other international organisations since 2002 and developed a new chapter on the control of hazards of animal health and public health importance in animal feed to complement the Codex Alimentarius Commission texts in Terrestrial Animal Health code. It also created several international standards for AMR control which covers AMR control related to animal feed.


The Food and Agricultural Materials Inspection Center (FAMIC) is the WOAH Collaborating Centre for Animal Feed Safety and Analysis and has been providing relevant expertise and supporting the development of relevant standards. This year, FAMIC organised a virtual training on analysis of pesticides for laboratories in charge of Feed Safety in the region to respond to needs from the regional Members and a Laboratory Network on Animal Feed Safety in Asia and the Pacific.


The objectives of the meeting/training were:

  1. To raise awareness of the importance of Feed Safety;
  2. To review and share the current situation and issues related to pesticide residues in animal feed in the region;
  3. To strengthen regional network among regional Members for ensuring the feed safety including the feed safety laboratory network;
  4. To provide technical information related to analysis of pesticides in feed, which maybe used by regional Members


In addition to nominees from member countries, regional laboratory network on animal feed safety members were invited to the meeting and 66 participants from 17 countries joined in total.




Laboratory Network on Animal Feed Safety in Asia and the Pacific

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