International horse movement

Dourine and surra webinar


The Regional Representation for Asia and the Pacific office organised a webinar on the diseases dourine and surra, in the larger context of the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) regional project on International Horse Movement in Asia and the Pacific.


Dourine (WOAH Technical Disease Card) is a parasitic venereal disease of equines caused by the flagellate protozoan Trypanosoma equiperdum of the order Trypanosomatida, family Trypanosomatidae and subgenus Trypanozoon. Other species within this subgenus are T. brucei and T. evansi. Recent genomic studies propose that T. equiperdum, along with Trypanosoma evansi, are subspecies of T. brucei. One hypothesis asserts that the disease condition “dourine” is actually a host-specific immune response to either T. equiperdum, T. brucei or T. evansi infection.


Surra, a disease caused by infection of T. evansi (WOAH Technical Disease Card), has a wide host range. In some countries incidence of surra increases significantly furing the rainy season when biting fly populations have greatly increased. Surra affects mainly camels and horses but buffaloes and cattle are also affected. Other species that develop severe disease include donkeys, mules, deer, llamas, dogs, cats, cattle and buffalo. Sheep, goats, pigs and elephants may occasional develop mild or chronic disease. Camel raising in Africa and buffalo production in Asia are severely affected.

The objectives of the webinar included:

  • Share the Terrestrial Animal Health Code chapter on dourine and surra
  • Update on the dourine and surra epidemiology situation in the world
  • Sharing different diagnostic tests for dourine and surra
  • Share the WOAH Members’ case study for dourine and surra

Speakers included experts from WOAH and WOAH Reference Laboratories in France, Japan, Indonesia, Mongolia and Argentina.


Agenda (presentations linked)

Event Recording

Link to YouTube (also found below)

Event Details

Date: 11 December 2023

Time: 16:00 – 18:15 (Japan standard time)

Venue: Online (Zoom)


Recording of the webinar on dourine and surra, 11 Dec 2023

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