OIE Regional Virtual Training on the Diagnosis, Prevention, and Control of Swine Bacterial Diseases


Pig production is the fastest growing livestock industry with the world pig production increasing twofold over the last two decades. Asia contributes to more than half of the global pig supply (56%) and the number of pigs raised globally (60 %).


Bacterial disease of pigs are important as they cause considerable economic loss due to high morbidity and mortality of the animals. Many of the less known pathogens are now emerging as potent pathogens either due to the changes in their genetic makeup or due to selective pressure.


In the OIE Regional Virtual Training on Swine Disease Laboratory Diagnosis, participants requested the OIE to organise a training on swine bacterial disease. In response to this request, the OIE RRAP in collaboration with Nanjing Agricultural University, OIE Reference Laboratory for swine streptococcosis in China P.R., organised the “OIE Regional Virtual Training on the Diagnosis, Prevention, and Control of Swine Bacterial Diseases” on 15-16 November 2021.


This training provided an opportunity to veterinarians looking after pig health in government or commercial companies and laboratories professionals working on swine bacterial disease diagnosis to gain knowledge on diagnosis, prevention, and control measures of major swine bacterial diseases and prudent and responsible use of antimicrobials.

Agenda and presentations