Antimicrobial Resistance

1st WOAH Workshop on Substandard and falsified veterinary products (SFVP)


Substandard and falsified veterinary products (SFVP) are the authorised veterinary products (VP) that fail to meet either their quality standards or their specifications or both. Unauthorised veterinary products that deliberately or fraudulently misrepresent their identity. They can be found in different ways including street markets, via unregulated websites through to pharmacies, clinics or hospitals. The SFVP has negative impacts on animal and human health including antimicrobial resistance.


To support Members in addressing this complex issue, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) is working on the development of a Global Information & Alert System for SFVPs. It aims to receive notifications of SFVPs from its network and to subsequently inform all Members through alerts to facilitate their identification and eventual removal from circulation.


In 2022, WOAH conducted an initial pilot experience among fourteen voluntary WOAH Members, representing all geographical regions. Based on its learnings, we aim at expanding this pilot period to forty voluntary participants in order to better understand Member’s needs and develop the specifications such system will require.


On 12 – 14 June, in Bangkok, Thailand, WOAH is organising a three-day workshop with the following objectives:


  • To better understand the situation of SFVP in Asia-Pacific region
  • To create a digital platform that can be used by participants as the main tool for reporting SFVP
  • To strengthen links with other international organisations such as WHO, World Customs Organisation (WCO) and Interpol
  • To analyse the presence and trends of incidents of SFVPs at regional and global level
  • To raise awareness to civil societies and general public

