OIE AMU Webinars

OIE Webinar on the “Antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals for Asia and the Pacific Region”


To support the implementation of national monitoring systems and harmonised data collection on antimicrobial use in animals, the OIE organised a webinar on the “Database on antimicrobial agents intended for use in animals” for OIE Members in Asia and the Pacific Region from 31st of March to 2nd of April 2020. The effort was an interim measure as the OIE Regional Workshop on the Database on Antimicrobial Agents Intended for Use in Animals in Asia and the Pacific was postponed due to COVID-19 situation. In addition to the Focal Points, a number of members of the Veterinary Services, academic institutions and FAO joined the webinar. The participants were actively engaged to submit questions verbally and in-text using the chat function.

The OIE wishes to provide you with the access to the videos of the webinar, presentations and the Q&A as follows.

You may access the videos through the following links

For the questions and answers(Q&A) Click here