Communication skills for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Asia and the Pacific


Preparing for World Antibiotic Awareness Week in Asia and the Pacific

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) continues to be a serious threat to both public health and veterinary health globally. Although there is an increasing collection of scientific material on the topic, including the actions needed to reduce the risks from AMR in the future, it can prove difficult to engage stakeholders as they may not well understand the situation. Communication is a science and effective communication is the key to conveying messages on AMR. Therefore, it is vital that we communicate messages clearly and appropriately to different groups of stakeholders to effect the appropriate mitigative actions. The OIE has developed a range of communication tools to use in AMR campaigns.

At the OIE virtual meeting to “Review Implementation of Action Plans on Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Animal Sectors in East Asia” on 8th July 2020, participants identified communication skills as a topic for future training from the OIE. In response to the request, this webinar was arranged on “Communication skills for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Asia and the Pacific”. This event was open to participants from across Asia and the Pacific region.

Attendees were briefed on the range of OIE communication tools for AMR, particularly virtual materials. They also received expert advice on targeting communication to the audience for an impactful campaign. The discussion on AMR activities in the region focused on the annual World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW). Communication skills discussed will undoubtedly be useful in preparations for activities during the upcoming WAAW, 18-24 November.