Veterinary Services

Enriched Seminar for OIE National Focal Points for Animal Welfare


The fourth round of Seminar for National Focal Points for Animal Welfare in Asia and the Pacific was held from 12 to 14 November 2014 in Canberra, Australia.

The meeting was attended by 53 participants including 27 country representatives and 3 observers in the region, with the participation of the Delegate of Australia to the OIE, Dr Mark Schipp, and Secretary of Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Dr Paul Grimes, who welcomed the participants. OIE Headquarters was represented by Dr Brian Evans, Deputy Director General, and by Dr Leopoldo Stuardo, International Trade Department. Drs Hirofumi Kugita, Tomoko Ishibashi and Yooni Oh attended from the OIE Regional Representation for Asia and the Pacific, and Dr Agnes Poirier from the OIE Sub-Regional Representation for Southeast Asia. Participants also included Dr Gardner Murray, Special Adviser of the OIE as well as the Chair of the RAWS CG, Dr Abdul Rahman, the Chair of the OIE Animal Welfare Working Group, representatives from NGOs (Drs Ian Dacre from World Animal Protection and Bidda Jones from RSPCA Australia), and representatives from Australian industry (Mr Graeme Hoare and Linley Miners from Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association, and Ms Therese Herbert from Australian Lot Feeders Association).

The seminar was opened by remarks of Dr Hirofumi Kugita, Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific. Dr Paul Grimes, Secretary of the Australian government Department of Agriculture, warmly gave a warm welcome, followed by Dr Mark Schipp, Delegate of Australia to the OIE.

Starting with Dr Evans’ presentation on General presentation of the OIE, information was given to the participants on Standard setting procedures, activities from Animal Welfare Working Group (AWWG) including development of the OIE Global Animal Welfare Strategy and overview of Improved Animal Welfare Programme (IAWP) & updates. Kindly, six of National Focal Point for Animal Welfare (New Zealand, Philippines, PR China, India, Malaysia and RO Korea) reported various experiences on the topics of Animal Welfare. Also, this seminar provided the OIE animal welfare standards; on Update & new challenges of the OIE Terrestrial Code Chapters, on Stray dog population control as a key element of rabies control, and on role of NGOs in improving animal welfare. Australian industry speakers participated and shared their experience to implement animal welfare standard on the aspect of transportation and in the feedlot industry. One session was dedicated to the Regional Animal Welfare Strategy (RAWS) for Asia, Far East and Oceania (AFEO) which became a reference to the other regions. Dr Murray reported the outcomes from the RAWS Coordination Group (CG) meeting 8 and Drs Quaza, Dacre and Lee shared their experience in their countries or organisation. Dr Littin updated the cooperation programme of collaborating centre in our region.

Participants had two group discussion on: 1) barriers to implement OIE standards and possible solutions to overcome these and improving communication and awareness of animal welfare, 2) future management and strategic direction of the RAWS AFEO. Both subjects led participants in active discussion.