Supported by


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

World Organisation for Animal Health

World Health Organization


Rabies is a neglected zoonotic disease. Most human deaths from rabies occur in Asia and Africa, caused by bites from rabid dogs. Mass vaccination of dogs in infected areas interrupts the infectious cycle is the method of choice to control rabies in both humans and dogs.

The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH, founded as OIE) provides science-based standards, guidelines and recommendations for the control of rabies in animals, diagnosis of rabies infection and production of high-quality veterinary vaccines.

In Asia and the Pacific

Rabies is endemic in humans and animals in the Asia Pacific Region (AP Region), with dog-mediated rabies being the predominant source of disease. However, it is often under-diagnosed, under-reported and under-funded and is therefore considered to be a neglected disease. Over 95% of human rabies cases are associated with dog bites. Rabies control and subsequent elimination necessitate a multi-sectoral collaboration, using a One Health approach to stop disease transmission at its source.

Although rabies is a 100% preventable disease, it continues to kill tens of thousands of humans and animals in the AP Region. Thus it is crucial to continue to advocate for more awareness in rabies prevention and control. As many countries do not invest in rabies surveillance activities, rabies is often under-detected and under-reported, and therefore neglected while it continues to kill humans and animals.

As humans have close bonds with dogs, the threat of rabies transmission remains perpetual unless active surveillance and control measures are taken in dogs – the region’s primary animal reservoirs for rabies virus. Being a zoonotic disease that thrives depending on socio-cultural, economic, and human-led activities, it is essential to use a One Health approach in tackling the disease.

World Rabies Day (WRD), observed on 28 September every year, is a day dedicated to bringing focus back to rabies as a neglected zoonosis and committing collective actions to tackle this dreaded disease. The Regional Tripartite (FAO-WHO-WOAH) has been organising joint events during World Rabies Day (WRD) every year to highlight collaboration and One Health (OH) actions as key strategies for rabies prevention and control.

World Rabies Day

Every year, 28th September is World Rabies Day, which raises awareness and enhances prevention and control of rabies. International communities come together to promote the fight against the disease. It is a chance for all to join the global movement and organise or participate in a nearby event or available online.


(2023 Apr) Online launch of the South Asia Rabies Network (SA-RABNET).

South Asia Rabies Laboratory Network (SA-RABNET)

Rabies is endemic in much of the SAARC South Asia sub-region, accounting for about 45% of the global burden of human rabies. WOAH initiated and has been managing capacity building measures such as regional and country-level rabies diagnosis training, in the sub-region for many years.

The South Asia Rabies Laboratory Network (SA-RABNET) was launched in April 2023, following calls for a platform to connect laboratories (National Lead Rabies Laboratories, or RLDLs) involved in the diagnosis of rabies in animals in the sub-region.

The network’s purpose is to strengthen the rabies diagnostic and surveillance capabilities of the RLDLs in South Asia. Network members agreed to meet virtually once every six months to discuss key progress and challenges in pursuit of rabies elimination from South Asia.

Below you may find recent activities by WOAH and Members supporting efforts against the disease, and Members’ National Action Plans against rabies. Further below, you will find activities in previous periods.

Recent activities in the region

Highlight: One Health for Dog-mediated Rabies Elimination in Asia, 28 Feb 2025

Rabies surveillance and mass dog vaccination in northern India, 30 Sep 2024

Rabies education programme in Himachal Pradesh, India, 29 Sep 2024

India: Kerala’s anti-rabies campaign, 28 Sep 2024

Timor-Leste: celebrating progress towards “Zero by 30”, 27 Sep 2024

Asia Pacific Rabies Meeting, 16-18 Jul 2024

News: Insights into Singapore’s Free-Roaming Dog Behaviour: Exploring Movement Patterns and home range, 23 Feb 2024

Library of Members' National Action Plans against Rabies

One of the core activities to build a foundation for rabies control and elimination is preparation of effective and sustainable action plans. In this regard, WOAH would like to congratulate Members for developing such action plans and for their commitment to control dog rabies to support the global action plan. To facilitate information exchange and to monitor progress, the WOAH RRAP has created a library of Members’ action plans for rabies control and elimination. This page lists those provided by Members – some are for control and elimination of endemic rabies and some outline a response to introduction/re-introduction of the disease.

Members are encouraged to share their rabies action plans with WOAH. This list will be updated regularly.